What are Chakras in a nutshell ?
Chakra (sanskrit for cakra) are wheels or discs that refer to specific points or energy centers in the body. The chakra system is composed of seven main chakras that run up the spine. Each chakra has a corresponding name, colour, specific area of the body and health focus. Chakras have long been used for ancient meditation and healing practices believed to keep balance in a person’s spiritual, physical, and emotional health.
Chakra Alignment
However, the chakras can often become blocked or misaligned, simply due to everyday life and outside influence. When a chakra is out of alignment, it can either be overactive and flowing too freely, or underactive which can disrupt energy flow. This loss of balance can affect the area of life the chakra is responsible for, causing mental health issues or physical symptoms. Once chakras are unblocked or opened, there will be a stable flow of energy throughout the body. The body will be harmonious, developing a better relationship between the mind, physical, emotional and spiritual body.
The Seven Chakras
What Does Each One Mean And Where Are They Located?
Here are the Seven Main chakras, their symbols, where they are located and what they mean!
The Root Chakra is at the bottom of the tailbone. It connects us to the physical world, being grounded with nature and meeting our needs.
The Sacral Chakra is in the pelvic region and rules our reproductive organs. Known as “the place of self”, it governs sexuality and creativity. Helps one enjoy the pleasures in life without overindulging.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel and rules our gut (stomach and intestines), where your self-confidence and personal power come together in harmony.
The Heart Chakra is in and all around our chest, ruling the heart. It is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras and influences our ability to give and receive love from others and ourselves.
The Throat Chakra is at our throat and rules our vocal cords. It is our self-expression, controlling the ability to truthfully and clearly communicate our thoughts, ideas, emotions and needs. Also gives a voice to our personal preferences, beliefs and values.
The Third Eye Chakra is between the eyebrows and rules the pineal gland. This is where our wisdom, awareness, intuition and psychic abilities lie. It opens one to an expanded state of consciousness. Considered as a sixth sense and connection to the divine.
Last but not least, the Crown Chakra is at the very top of your head. It defines pure consciousness and connection to the universe. It’s the life-force energy all share whether it is a tree, a human, an animal, an ecosystem, a planet, or a star. It is the existence beyond the ego and connects you to whatever you deem to be “God”. When fully opened, which very few are able to do, you are able to reach a higher consciousness and enlightenment.
How To Balance The Chakras
Balancing your chakras can enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some effective ways to balance your chakras!
1. Meditation:
Focus on each chakra through guided meditations or by visualizing the associated colors and energies of the chakras. Start at the root chakra and work your way up to the crown. You can even follow the meditative technique “colour breathing”, where you visualize the colours breathing through each chakra (my personal favourite).
2. Crystal Healing:
Place crystals aligned with each chakra on the corresponding areas of your body during meditation or relaxation. Popular crystals include amethyst for the crown chakra, lapis lazuli for the third eye, and rose quartz for the heart.
With every Crystal Core Jewellery purchase that contains a crystal, a definition card is included that explains not only the healing properties of the crystal, but its corresponding chakra as well.
Check out our Chakra Jewellery for More!
3. Aromatherapy:
Use essential oils such as lavender for the crown chakra, eucalyptus for the throat chakra, and sandalwood for the root chakra. These scents can stimulate and balance chakra energy.
4. Yoga:
Certain yoga poses target different chakras. For example, the root chakra can be balanced through grounding poses like Mountain Pose, while heart-opening poses such as Camel Pose benefit the heart chakra.
5. Sound Healing:
Tuning forks, singing bowls, or simply humming/chanting mantras like “OM” (Crown Chakra Mantra) can resonate with and balance specific chakras. Each chakra is associated with a unique sound or frequency.
6. Affirmations:
Positive affirmations that resonate with each chakra can reinforce balance. For example, for the solar plexus chakra, you can say:
“I am confident and in control of my life.”
I AM (Root Chakra)
I FEEL (Sacral Chakra)
I DO (Solar Plexus)
I LOVE (Heart Chakra)
I SPEAK (Throat Chakra)
I SEE (Third Eye Chakra)
I KNOW (Crown Chakra)
7. Diet and Nutrition:
Incorporating chakra-related foods can help balance energy. Root vegetables support the root chakra, while citrus fruits can help activate the solar plexus chakra.
8. Colour Therapy:
Surround yourself with the colours associated with each chakra to help stimulate their energy. Wearing or visualizing these colors can promote balance. Depending on the day, I like to lead with a specific colour, when choosing my outfit, if I’m looking to activate or feeling more in tune with a certain chakra.
9. Breathwork (Pranayama):
Focused breathing techniques help direct energy to specific chakras. I recommend following one of the many guided Chakra Breathwork videos on YouTube. There is an abundance of videos available to us for free!
By practicing these methods regularly, you can restore balance and harmony within your chakras, leading to improved physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual connection. ✧
Conclusion ✿
There you have it, The Seven Chakra’s explained in a nutshell! Knowing this info brings awareness to specific parts of the body and how they correlate to certain areas in our life. Who knew, mal digestion could be a sign of a misaligned solar plexus chakra! Working through misalignments using the techniques listed above can really help improve the flow in our chakra system, and thus our quality of life! ❀
Handmade Crystal Chakra Jewellery ♡
Incorporating chakra-themed jewellery into your daily life is a beautiful way to stay connected to your energy centers and promote balance, healing, and mindfulness. Each piece of handmade crystal jewellery carries the intention of harmonizing your chakras, allowing you to tap into their unique powers and align your mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're drawn to a specific chakra or seeking balance across all seven, our thoughtfully crafted pieces are designed to support your personal journey toward inner peace and well-being. Embrace the power of crystals and let them be your guide on the path to energetic balance! ♡